The last few weeks have seemed like a blur. Instead of updating the blog during each shift, I told myself I would try to get to it the day after. That approach has failed as well so here is a brief recap of the last couple of cycles and I apologize for the long delay.
Last day of last cycle we had a structure fire in Garden City E11 pulled up and found heavy fire on side C and heavy smoke on Side A. E6, L1, M6 were on initial dispatch with E8, E1, Co 61 and M1 were the working fire crews. I was unable to get any fire shots but here are a few after the fact.

Beckner and Lt. Randy Smith

E6 crew

The picture with Company was difficult to see but has been sent off to get some work done on it thanks to a friend of a friend.
Earlier in the evening we had the pleasure of being a part of the annual Fire Awareness Art contest. This included getting the station ready and setting up tables and making it look festive. Despite what Joe says, he really does like having his picture taken.

Hunt checks Joe's reflexes and Joe didn't flinch

Before our guests arrived, we grabbed a quick dinner and were surprised how well
JJ cleans up.
JJ has been on 40 hours assisting with the interview process.

Chief and Lil chief showed up and despite what Chief
Tartaglia will tell us, the puppet's name is not Sully.

Two buds Randy and Joe were ready to do their part and represent the city in their pretty blue shirts.

The award banquet started with introductions of the winners and their art teachers.
Here are just a few of the Art winners pictures.

Art show winners gathered at the front for a standing ovation.

Serving line for art dinner

The winners cake was almost too pretty to cut.

After dinner several of the families wanted tours of the station and the trucks. Joe can teach FF 5 when he gives a tour of the engine and the certificate will be delivered to each when they pick up their art.
JK Joe!

Earlier in the day we had a call for smoke inside
Fishburne mansion. Lt
Conners and Ladder 1 services were requested inside.

A light fixture was the culprit and units cleared shortly.
Tim Parry visited the station today.

Last cycle we did some Pump training over at the civic center with Eng 4.

The wall gang
PJ, Randy and Hunt soaking up some rays and telling stories.

If any one has every been down town you may have seen our friend "
Coolio" He is the master of bizarre wardrobes and he changes at least three time a day. If you see him give him a wave and wait for the return sign. Look closely he is showing you a cross.

I was a little freaked when he first gave the sign.

Company 1 was sent down to the "old house" Historic #1 preparing for some elected officials to use the station for it press event.
JJ cleaning Station 1's brass.

Hunt flexes Franklin County muscle!

After cleaning Station 1 the crew headed downtown to get some some stuff from the market.
Conners seems satified after lunch.

Cluster meeting was held at number 6

Ladder 1 at cluster after a "cut job' on 220

Becky and
Randy and a "5 dollar cup cake" what is it about Randy and his love for sugar snacks???

Station 2 responded Spring Hollow for a working fire. All of the crews that responded will tell you that the smoke could be seen from whereever they were at when they were dispatched. Upon arrival, the companies found a shed in the back of the house.

E2 crew made a quick attack and knocked it down.
Breck the comedian as always or maybe he just does that when the camera comes out.

Hunt winds it up wearing some football gear he took from a 10 year.

Beckner and Hunt discuss the finer "one liners" from Joe Dirt

Beckner and
IMS class held at the Big Show.
Fix it man Randy after flipping out of this chair once too often.

stressed out Adam

Bright Randy

Halloween visitor visits Daddy
"Ghost Rider"