-RMH ER staff including the CT and MRI staff
-Roanoke Fire EMS Admin. staff
-Captain Wines and LT. Fleitz for writing an detailed recap of Captain Brown's career
-Oakeys Funeral home
-Jordan Framing (for framing all of the collages seen at the funeral home)
-First Baptist Church
-All the Roanoke Fire EMS personel who cleaned Station 1 from top to bottom inside and out, including all of the trucks
-All of the off duty Firefighters from Roanoke County and Salem who staffed Roanoke city stations to allow City personel to attend the funeral. Station 9's blog has a complete list.
-All of the Roanoke City Police Officers who manned every intersection along the route.
-the Honor Guard
-Lynchburg bagpipes
-Roanoke City Dispatch
-Chung Price and his catering team
-Zac Beckner for his video presentation
-the personel who cleaned up after the reception
And lastly, the three who were there for the family's every need, and who will be mad for our mentioning their names, Jamie Brads, Toby Bedwell and JJ Price
We sincerely hope we haven't neglected to thank anyone.
We wanted to say thanks again to everyone involved
Station 1 C shift AKA "Brown's Hounds"