Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Too drunk for jail ?

Today is the middle day for C-shift here at the self proclaimed "Big Show" (so some think) and I forgot to mention that we have a few officers off this cycle JJ took off with the family to Key West while Randy and his family went to Ocracoke, Conners is planning a quick trip down to meet up with Randy for a quick vacation. Courtney and JJ swapped vacations so he is filling JJ's shoes (and says his toes are sore) This put us short on officers but not to worry. Everyone here is capable of stepping up and filling spots Becky is driving Ladder 1
and Adam is Tilling today
Ladder 1 was keeping the road pretty hot this am running some EMS calls with 8 and 6 while Medic 1 was running into SE. It seems as soon as M6 gets a call we would get one forcing 8 to back us up. The cycle continued into the afternoon.
The last day Becky helped cook their was a rumor going around that she was getting moved.
I don't know if she had heard another rumor but Becky did her part of riding the ladder and helped Chef Decker with lunch and dinner.

The ladder did some tiller training to improve comfort levels on all those who do not want to be named. He is doing better and should be ready after a couple more laps around civic center. Young Compton got a break and got off the medic unit and hopped over to the engine to drive. Medic 1 was gone until bedtime and the volunteers put a truck in service. Medic trucks be prepared the City jail is beginning to refuse intoxicated people too drunk to stay their and wants them taken to the ER but the ER has no room. Good documentation, a call to RS1, and let the ER doctor know what the jail nurse says exactly. Needless to say our last pt spent less time in the ER than she did in the medic unit and back to jail she went. Until Thursday Be safe Roanoke!