The last day Becky helped cook their was a rumor going around that she was getting moved.

Medic one remained in service today and caught a call just before the drill/training at the College of Health sciences took place. The college's staff contacted the Fire Marshall's office to advise them of a fire drill they were going to conduct and Chief Beckner made most of the situation and designed a High Rise scenario to correspond. The college was going to evacuate the building and the fire depart was going to simulate a fire on the seventh floor. Unfortunately we missed 2/3 of the drill so most of these pictures were at the end. Companies involved Engines 1, 2, 5, 6 Ladder 1, 2 BC 1 and 2, Medic 2 and 6, RS1, Command Staff and members of the Fire Marshall's office. Engine 1 had Lobby control FF/EMT-I Smith gathering accountability tags and assignments in lobby.
Capt. Brown from Engine 1 also had elevator control.
Security was keeping a sharp eye on Lt. Hodgin and his ability to maintain his composure even if this was just a drill.
Again I nor "young Compton' were not able to participate in the drill or get as many pictures as I wanted. But what we heard from the college's staff they were impressed we the time and level of professionalism that they witnessed in the drill. Time was crucial, from dispatch to time a 2.5" hose line was in place on the 7th floor was 11 minutes. In that time the building was completely evacuated, lines stretched, 8th, 9th and 10th floor were searched and secured. We were unable to do multiple evolutions because the students had to get back to classes. The units cleared from the scene and returned to station 1 for the critique.
Representatives from the county and Salem were in attendance at the drill and critique and gave high accolades to the success of the drill. Surprisingly to us we do get paid to train.
The rest of the day was spent running EMS calls with Compton attempting to get all his calls checked off so he can be released as a AIC. Eng 1 Ladder 1 work a wreck on 581. Car vs Jersey wall.