Last day of the cycle for C-shift, I don't know about being a "blog master" but I worked today and thought Becky did a fine job while I was off. Well as many of you know who live in and around the Roanoke area, we had the first significant snowfall in a few years yesterday and last night. A-shift had the pleasure of putting the chains on last night and seemed to test the snowy "waters" a couple times. Today we had to get Adam over to Station 6 to grab the service truck with the plow and he got the pleasure of cleaning the aprons for all the fire stations. So if you get a chance tell Adam Thank You.

After morning chores, Decker, one of our resident chefs made some fine homemade biscuits. Those and last day's pork chops were a great breakfast.

Young Smiley was playing musical trucks again today trying to get those ALS calls needed for his first hoop. The more calls he runs the more the number needed goes up according to the training bureau.
Medic 1 was on "Popsicle patrol" with all the people falling outside today. They were probably wondering, is sleigh riding as fun as I remember it? For lunch today we had JJ's special potato soup, and I quote "I bet ya never had potato soup like this before!" As usual JJ was right, the soup and grilled cheese hit the spot on a cold snowy day. We had a visitor stop by the firehouse today

Retired Lt. O. Smith of the the SML Smith's, the only thing changed with Oscar was the beard. He was looking for his buddy Joe who had a case of the "white fluffy flu" or something? Kidding you Joe, hope you feel better at least next Saturday the temps will be in the high 60's. After lunch JJ and the boys brought out a large carrot cake to celebrate the Captain's "??th" birthday. It was yesterday so call him up and wish him a belated one, he will tell you how old he turned.

After lunch the Ladder truck had a chimney fire with the boys from 6 in Southeast and were capable of handling with the units on scene.
As the snow melted we were able to take off the chains and cables.

Waiting is part of the game.

Things picked back up just before dinner but we were fortunate to sit down and eat tonight. Today Medic 101 started their new budget shifts working 9-7pm and they got to eat before getting off tonight. We are going to watch a movie but you know how that goes. So wish us luck.
Well it figures, towards the end of the movie the fire tones went out for a house fire in Southeast. Ladder 1, BC1, RS1 were on first dispatch with E6, M6 and E11. M6 was on their way back from the ER and gave a sizeup bu most missed it because of their quick response everyone was still on Tac 1 marking enroute. M1 and E14 were the WF units, Engine 6 arrived and made a quick knock down on a mattress fire extending to the entire room. Check out
Station 6's blog for pictures and more info.